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Gynecomastia: What Men Should Know

The world we live in has rarely been more focused on physical appearance than it is in the era of social media. Seeing changes to the male body can have a devastating effect on the confidence and life of a man no matter how old he is. Gynecomastia is a commonly seen medical condition that sees the growth of the male breast tissue to produce a swollen appearance that can limit self-confidence and severely affect the body image of any male patient. Male breast reduction surgery is a surgical option for reducing the impact of gynecomastia with improvements seen for around ten years following the completion of surgery.

How Can Surgery Help?

There are several ways to address gynecomastia, but the most effective is usually to undergo a male breast reduction procedure with a skilled surgeon, such as the doctors at New Image Plastic Surgery. The procedure is one that has been performed regularly to try to help males who are struggling to come to terms with their changing body shape.

The first step to take when looking to reduce the effects of this condition is to undergo a consultation with a qualified surgeon who can make the right choices about reducing the size of the breast or breasts. Once surgery begins, a surgeon will use liposuction to remove any excess fat from the breast area before making an incision to remove excess tissue. Some surgeons use general anesthesia with others choosing to use local sedation to complete the procedure with fewer risks to the individual patient.

How does Gynecomastia Occur?

There are several ways a man can be affected by gynecomastia, including the side effects of certain medications and medical treatments. The most common reason for the development of this medical condition is through hormonal changes that take place at different times of life. It is common for the level of the hormone testosterone to be low in those who are affected by gynecomastia, meaning it is prevalent in newborns, pubescent males, and those in middle-age and over. For those going through puberty, the swollen breast tissue can shrink when their hormones return to a normal level to leave them not needing surgery.

Recovery from Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Your surgeon will work with you to determine which form of surgery will work breast for any particular form of gynecomastia, which will affect your recovery. In some cases, liposuction is the only form of surgery needed and will lead to a recovery time of around one week. Other patients need a little longer to recover if breast tissue has to be removed, leading to a recovery time of around two weeks before exercise can be resumed. In almost every case, patients can return to work between seven to ten days after the procedure is completed.

If you are concerned about gynecomastia, contact Dr. Dallas Homas or Dr. Lisa Brostrom at New Image Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, Texas to schedule a consultation to discuss your surgical options.