
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, TX

Struggling with sun spots on your chest or face, freckles across your nose, or age spots on your neck? These pigment issues can be a problem for many people, but luckily there is a treatment available to give you brighter, smoother skin. The Ultra laser treatment will reveal the bright, radiant-looking skin you’re looking for.


What is Ultra?

The Lutronic Ultra laser treatment works to resurface the skin in a variety of areas, including the face, neck, and chest. It was designed to treat age spots, freckles, sun spots, pigmented lesions, sun damage, and actinic keratosis (precancerous lesions). It can give you brighter and smoother, and younger-looking skin.

Who is a Good Candidate For Ultra?

Any men or women who are struggling with age spots, sun spots, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, or freckles are good candidates for Ultra laser treatment. It works on all skin types, and the treatment can be customized to meet your specific needs.

The Treatment Process

The Ultra treatment uses a laser to resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Before treatment, your physician may apply a numbing cream, but most patients describe only feeling mild to moderate discomfort.

The laser handpiece will be passed over the areas you’re looking to treat. In total, depending on the number of areas you want to be treated, the session shouldn’t take any more than 20 minutes.

Before treatment, a topical anesthetic may be applied to maximize your level of comfort during the session. The Ultra treatment lasts 10-15 minutes approximately depending on the area to be treated.

If it is required, extra energy pulses can be applied on skin areas such as stubborn brown spots and rough patches plus to obtain better results like softer and glowing skin.

After this, we apply a serum based on your treatment goals. Each ampoule contains the purest and finest ingredients, specific for each patient. They do not contain fragrances or preservatives. The serum is massaged onto the skin which allows direct entry into the dermis due to the presence of the microchannels.

You should expect a mild sunburn/flushed appearance for 2 to 24 hours after your treatment.

Recovery and Results

The downtime with Ultra laser treatment is very minimal. You can return to work immediately and go back to your normal activities 24 hours after treatment. If your provider gives you any aftercare instructions, make sure to follow those.

Immediately after treatment, you may notice some redness, but that will go away in the next day or so. Over the following 5-6 days, your skin will have a very dry texture. Don’t worry! This is completely normal. As your skin gets rid of the dead skin cells, fresher, clearer, and smoother skin will be revealed underneath. You should start seeing results within a week or so.

Ready for clearer, brighter skin? To learn more about Ultra laser treatment or schedule a consultation today.

Call us (210) 607-6316 (Dr. Brostrom) or (210) 640-6310 (Dr. Homas)

We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!