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Navigating Breast Reduction Surgery: What to Expect

Many women are unhappy with the size of their breasts. Although it’s probably more common to hear about breast augmentation, it isn’t a procedure for everyone. Some women opt for breast reduction surgery because their breasts are overly large and heavy, leaving them with pain and discomfort. But before you have breast reduction surgery, there are a few facts you’ll want to know to help you navigate the surgery procedure There are some facts to know about navigating this surgery.


What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that involves reducing the size of a woman’s breasts. Women who choose this type of surgery are typically dissatisfied with their breast size and the heaviness of their breasts. They usually experience various issues, including back and shoulder pain, difficulty performing physical activities, and struggle with their self-image. Breast reduction involves making incisions to remove excess fat, tissue, and skin. Sometimes, liposuction is performed as well.

A breast lift is often combined with breast reduction because many women are often left with sagging and need their breasts and nipples repositioned so that they point upward instead of downward. Breast lift also helps to tighten the skin and reshape the breasts.

Reasons for Breast Reduction Surgery

The biggest reason to seek breast reduction surgery is pain. When a woman’s breasts are overly large and heavy, it can lead to chronic neck, shoulder and back pain. Heavy breasts can also cause bra straps to dig into the shoulders and cause painful indentations to the skin.

Excessively large breasts can also cause skin rashes and infections under the breasts. A woman’s posture can even suffer due to having difficulty sitting up straight. They may find it impossible to participate in certain activities like exercise.

Other reasons for wanting a breast reduction can also be cosmetic. For example, some women may want a slimmer, more proportioned figure and want to be able to easily find clothing and bras that fit better.

Who Is a Good Candidate?

To be considered a good candidate for this type of surgery, you must be in good overall health. You should be a non-smoker and not have any medical conditions that may affect the healing process. If you’re 40 or over or have a history of breast cancer, you should get a mammogram before having the procedure.

Generally, if you experience any of the side effects associated with very large, heavy breasts, you are a good candidate for the procedure. However, if you are planning on getting pregnant, it’s best to avoid the surgery until after you’ve finished having children.

How to Prepare for a Breast Reduction

Before you have a breast reduction, you will meet with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom to discuss your expectations. You can also discuss if getting a breast lift surgery along with your reduction is recommended. The doctor will thoroughly review your medical history and ask questions if they need more information.

You will undergo a physical exam as well. Your surgeon will assess your breasts and take photos. They will explain what you can expect and ensure that you understand the risks associated with them. For example, some women experience a change in the sensation they feel in their breasts.

Before surgery, you’ll want to make sure you have a friend or family member to drive you to and from surgery and take care of you for at least the first day or two afterward. You’ll also want to make sure you have everything you need once you start recovery.

Schedule A Consultation

If you are interested in getting breast reduction surgery and are in or near San Antonio, Texas, scheduling a consultation with New Image Plastic Surgery is a perfect first step. Call our San Antonio, TX office at (210) 607-6316 or use our online contact form. We can’t wait to help you achieve your goals!