
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, TX

Necklift San Antonio, TX

Our neck is one of the first areas to show aging, including vertical bonding, horizontal creases, sagging skin, and fatty jowls. A neck lift improves the contour of the jawline by tightening the skin and underlying muscles.

Homas, MD Gallery

Before and After Photos

Brostrom, MD Gallery

Before and After Photos

Who is a Candidate?

For those who want a sleeker neck and want to get rid of excess skin and fat in the neck area, can benefit from a neck lift. The neck lift can also achieve a more distinct jawline for those with a weak chin.  Ideal candidates are healthy, nonsmokers with realistic expectations of the outcome of their procedure. A consultation with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom can help to decide if this procedure is right for you.

The Procedure

Often the neck life is combined with a facelift since the incisions are very similar. Plus, this can achieve more optimal results. For patients with less severe concerns, a traditional neck lift or limited incision neck lift can be done. 


After a neck lift, the neck will be bruised and may have a feeling of swelling tightness and numbness. The bruising should resolve within a week or two, but tightness and numbness may remain for several months. Patients can usually return to daily activities, including work, within two weeks.  Recovery time will depend on the individual and extent of the surgery, but strenuous activities should be avoided for six weeks.

If you are interested in a neck lift for a more defined jawline and slimmer neck contour, contact our San Antonio office today to schedule your consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.