Preparing Yourself for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is an effective procedure if you want to address concerns with your breast size, shape, or symmetry. However, with any surgery can come some fears and anxieties. By becoming fully prepared for your procedure, you can ease your mind and know exactly what to expect! The following are some of the steps that you can take if you wish to prepare yourself for the surgery.


Get All the Information You Can About the Surgery

If you have decided that you would like to undergo the breast surgery procedure, first ensure that an augmentation is the best procedure for your concerns. The breast augmentation can enhance naturally small breasts, or restore volume loss after pregnancy or weight loss, or with age. However, if sagging and excess skin are present, you might actually benefit more from a breast lift. The two procedures can also be performed together for optimal enhancement.

Get Into the Best Emotional and Physical Shape

This is a critical component if you want to recover the most effectively from your procedure. Once you have ensured that you are a candidate for breast augmentation after discussing it with a board-certified plastic surgeon, you will want to make sure you are in good physical and emotional shape as you prepare for your surgery day. A woman who is in the best physical shape will heal faster. However, it is also important to be in the best emotional state. You have to feel well about the procedure and you should surround yourself with your family and friends who are happy with the decision.

Prepare Yourself for the Post-Surgery Period

As you get closer to your surgery day, it is good if you are fully prepared for your recovery period as well. You should ensure that your affairs are done so that when you get out of the procedure, you can relax and recover without worry. Make sure you get enough time off work (at least one week) and have someone to drive you home from your procedure. You might also want someone there to care for you for the first 24 hours.

On the Day of the Surgery

Before you head to your breast procedure, shower and put on loose, comfortable clothes. You’ll also want to make sure you have a comfortable spot ready for when you come back. Do not put on any makeup or jewelry and do not eat or drink anything heading into surgery.

Always discuss any concerns you have with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom before scheduling your breast augmentation procedure. By asking all the necessary questions, you can ensure that you will be comfortable with your decision, making it a positive experience. For more information on how you can prepare for your procedure, or to schedule your consultation, contact our office today.

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