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Thigh Lift Procedure – Recovery Guide

When you’re young, you enjoy naturally youthful toned skin. As people age, however, skin loses its tone and starts to sag. And if you lose a lot of weight, you may be left with a lot of sagging skin that interferes with the way you look after slimming down. One of the places our skin sags the most is the inner thigh area. This causes many people to become self-conscious to the point where they stop wearing certain clothing and stop enjoying certain activities.

If you’re fed up with making concessions to hide your thighs’ sagging skin, it’s time to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon at New Image Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, Texas.


What about Fixing Sagging Thighs after Massive Weight Loss?

Sagging skin is considered a badge of honor by some people who see a person who has lost significant weight. However, sagging skin can be embarrassing when you’re the one living with it – especially a lot of it. It can be demoralizing and uncomfortable when a large amount of sagging inner-thigh skin makes even mundane tasks such as walking cumbersome.

Our surgeons can lift and/or remove unusually large amounts of skin from your thighs with a personalized thigh lift procedure. Many of our patients have lost a huge amount of weight following a gastric bypass or beginning a rigorous diet and exercise routine. For whatever reason you have developed sagging skin, your surgery can involve removing skin from the inside of your thigh to tighten the appearance and eliminate the sagginess.

How Will I Feel After Surgery?

After a thigh lift, you will experience bruising, swelling, and soreness that can easily be managed with over-the-counter pain medications, although our doctors may provide a prescription as well. We encourage getting out of bed and walking around the next day after surgery. You’ll be able to take a shower two days after surgery as well.

Drains are sometimes used in this operation and removed one week after surgery. Take it easy for the first two weeks after your surgery, and refrain from strenuous lifting and exercise for 4-6 weeks to ensure a full recovery.

How Will I Look After I Recover?

Your surgeon will lift your inner thigh through an incision made in discreet areas that are tolerated very well and only seen in certain angles. The end result is a freshly toned, tightened appearance of the inner thigh.

Thigh Lifts in SAT

The professionals at New Image Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, Texas can help you regain self-confidence through the thigh lift procedure. Find out more specifics about what we can do for you. Call (210) 607-6316 or contact us online to schedule a consultation with either Dr. Dallas Homas or Dr. Lisa Brostrom.