Which Juverderm is Right for Me?


Which Juvederm Is Right For Me?

Juvaderm is one of the most popular dermal fillers in the U.S. It works to soften and minimize wrinkles, lines, and folds that can appear around the mouth and nose. When the naturally occurring hyaluronic acid is depleted due to age, Juvederm replaces it to give your face a softer and smoother look. There are several different types of Juvederm to choose from:


The regular Juvederm treats wrinkles and lines in the mid-to-lower face area. It can treat both fine lines as well as severe wrinkles and deep marionette lines. Results from just one treatment can last up to a year.

Juvederm Ultra:

Individuals who are looking for more volume around the lips will benefit from Juvederm Ultra treatment. Ultra can help you whether your lips have thinned out due to age or if you just want a more bold pout. It is also used to add more plumpness to the cheek line. This treatment can last 12 months or more.

Juvederm Voluma:

While this treatment is primarily used for cheek augmentation, it is also great if you need more volume around hollowed eyes. Voluma also replaces collagen and elastin lost during the aging process. You will see improvement for sunken facial areas for about 2 years.

Juvederm Volbella:

Juvederm Volbella is the ideal treatment for individuals who are seeing those lines and wrinkles a bit earlier. If you are experiencing early-onset aging, this thinner gel will plump and hydrate the skin. Treatments can last about one year.

Juvederm Vollure:

This spreadable formula is great for lines and wrinkles around the nose. It also give natural looking results. The Vollure contains lidocaine to make the patient comfortable during process. This treatment an last up to 18 months.

Are You A Good Candidate For Juvederm?

If you have started developing those pesky lines and wrinkles around your nose and mouth, you may be a good candidate for Juvederm. It is an easy procedure that will have you in and out of the office in no time. Juvederm procedures also have virtually no down time, making them great for on-the-go patients. To find out if Juvederm dermal fillers are right for you, schedule a consultation with one of our incredible providers.

Schedule a Consultation

If you would like to schedule a consultation at New Image Plastic Surgery in San Antonio, please fill out the contact form on the website. We will have a member of our team reach out to you as soon as possible.

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