Thinning and balding is an unfortunate part of the aging process, and it doesn’t just affect men, but women too! With NeoGraft hair restoration, both men and women can restore hair growth for a fuller, younger-looking head of hair. If you’re considering hair restoration, get the basics first:

What is the NeoGraft Hair Restoration?

NeoGraft hair restoration is a follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. The procedure uses your own hair follicles to be transplanted in thinning and balding areas. Most individuals begin balding in the front or top of the head and typically have a sufficient amount of hair in the back of the head that can be used for the transplant. The FUE method extracts and transplants one individual hair follicle at a time for precise and effective restoration.

How Does it Work?

The NeoGraft hair restoration process is performed with local anesthesia to help ensure a comfortable process. Hair follicles are then taken using a punch device that gently extracts a single hair follicle. The follicle is cleanly removed, leaving behind a small puncture site that will then close on its own with little to no scarring. In the second part of the procedure, the hair follicle is replanted in areas where the hair is thinning. Because of the meticulous nature of the procedure, the process can take several hours, depending on the extent of your thinning or balding.

Results to Expect

The results of your NeoGraft hair restoration procedure will take some time to become noticeable. As your new hair begins to grow, you can experience your natural hair filling in thicker and fuller. Patients typically only need one treatment session for significant improvement, however, more severe hair loss may require a second procedure.

To learn more about NeoGraft hair restoration and to determine if you are a candidate, contact our office and schedule your consultation with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom today.

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