Who is a Good Candidate?

Both men and women who have significant upper arm skin elasticity and excess fat that causes self-consciousness or difficulty fitting into clothing can benefit from arm lifts. Arm lift candidates should be at a stable healthy weight, be nonsmokers, and be committed to a healthy lifestyle to maintain results. You want to be at a stable weight because if you lose weight after an arm lift, it could lead to more sagging or hanging skin. An arm lift consultation with board-certified cosmetic surgeons Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom can determine if this procedure is right for you.

The Procedure

For the arm lift procedure, the incision used will depend on the amount and location of sagging skin that will be removed.  Generally, incisions for the arm lift are placed on the inside of the arm or back of the arm, extending to the elbow. Your cosmetic surgeon will then continue by removing excess skin and fat will be removed. We offer three main arm lift techniques. These are:

Standard Arm Lift: Skin and fat are removed through an incision that is made from the armpit to the elbow.

Limited-incision Arm Lift: This technique is ideal for patients with minimal upper arm laxity. The incisions are limited to the underarm areas. 

Extended Arm Lift: This type of arm lift is usually beneficial for those who have undergone massive weight loss. It is like a standard arm lift, but the incision is extended to the body to remove skin and fat on the chest wall.

Local or general anesthesia will be used to ensure your comfort. Which one is used will depend on how extensive the procedure is and the results you’re looking for.


Following arm lift surgery, you will need to wear a compression garment or wrap over the treatment area. This garment will help to diminish swelling, as well as support your arms as they heal. A tiny drain may be placed to drain excess fluid from the treatment area.

Mild to moderate discomfort is to be expected, which can be treated with pain medication. Bruising and swelling may also occur, which should subside over the next 10-14 days. To ensure proper healing, patients should avoid exercise for 6 weeks and contact sports for 12 weeks. Following Dr. Homas’ or Dr. Brostrom’s specific post-op instructions can help to ensure a safe and quick recovery.

If you are interested in learning more about the arm lift procedure in the San Antonio area, contact New Image Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation!