Who is a Good Candidate?

Men and women who have forehead wrinkles, frown lines, sagging eyebrows, or excess skin that hangs over the eyes can benefit from brow lift surgery. Ideal candidates for brow lifts should be healthy and have a positive outlook on the outcome of their procedure. Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom can help to determine your candidacy through a consultation.

The Procedure

Brow lift procedures can be performed under general or local anesthesia and are typically done using multiple brow lift techniques. The types of brow lift surgery available today include a coronal brow lift, endoscopic brow lift, and temporal brow lift.

In general, incisions are created in the hair-bearing scalp, and through these incisions, the tissues of the forehead are pulled up and back, thereby reducing wrinkles and elevating the eyebrows. Our doctors prefer a limited incision technique, where small incisions are made near or behind the hairline, where they are easily hidden by your natural hair.

A brow lift can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures like a facelift or eyelid surgery to give you the ultimate facial rejuvenation.


After your brow lift/forehead lift procedure, bruising, swelling, and numbness may occur. Ice packs can be used around the eyes to help reduce swelling, and discomfort can be controlled with pain medication. You’ll also want to keep your head elevated when lying down.

Most patients can return to work within a week, but heavy lifting and full activity should be avoided for 4-6 weeks. Your brow lift results will be noticeable immediately but will continue to improve over time.

If you are located in the San Antonio area and are interested in learning more about the brow lift procedure or another cosmetic surgery procedure, contact our office today to schedule your consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons!