Although mommy makeovers can be a great way to take charge of your body again, no two mommy makeovers are alike. You’ll be able to work with your to create the procedure that benefits you the most. A mommy makeover can include many different procedures to restore your body, so it’s important to understand what you’d like to change and what results you want. Here are some options you’ll need to consider when choosing to undergo a mommy makeover.


You’ll have many different treatment options when it comes to breasts, because every woman’s body is affected by pregnancy differently. Many women opt for breast reductions due to the growth that can occur during pregnancy. This can sometimes include a breast lift to restore them to a more youthful position. It might also include the use of implants in order to restore the breast profile at the same time as a lift. Whatever your expectations, there’s a way to restore your breasts to the most flattering appearance for you.


You’ll also have many options for restoring your body in different areas. While tummy tucks are very common after pregnancy and childbirth for both their cosmetic results and medical benefits, liposuction can also be a great option to remove stubborn fat in the thighs, hips, back, and pelvic area. This can be especially difficult for patients due to the way that the body stores fat during pregnancy, making it nearly impossible to remove through diet and exercise. Many women also undergo vaginal rejuvenation, which can improve the vaginal laxity that can occur during childbirth.

The Details

A mommy makeover has no strict set of rules. It can also include procedures of the face or even non-surgical options if you’re looking to rejuvenate your whole look. An injectable or skin treatment can easily be included to further enhance the new you that’s underway. Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom can help you create the best treatment plan for you and guide you through your options for all of your problem areas.

To schedule a consultation and discuss your mommy makeover options with board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Homas and Dr. Brostrom, contact New Image Plastic Surgery to begin your makeover journey.

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A breast augmentation is among the most commonly requested plastic surgery procedures in the United States, and for good reason! The procedure can help women achieve the breasts they’ve always wanted, or restore the breasts they once had to help get their confidence back. Find out how women young and old are benefiting from breast augmentation.

Enhance Naturally Small Breasts

Breasts come in all sizes and even shapes. But if you’re unhappy with the breast size you were born with, you might consider a breast enhancement procedure. Breast augmentation allows you to choose your breast size based on your desired aesthetic and your surgeon’s recommendations. Breast implants are designed to look as natural as possible and, as long as no problems occur, they can last you a lifetime.

Restore Volume Loss

Finding that your breasts have lost volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or with age can be frustrating, but with breast augmentation, you can get that volume back. Over time or after pregnancy, you can develop lax skin in the breast area, resulting in sagging and volume loss. A breast implant can fill this area to make the breasts appear larger, rounder, and more youthful. If severe sagging is also present, you might talk with your surgeon about adding a breast lift for optimal results.

Improve Symmetry

No two breasts are perfectly symmetrical, and you shouldn’t expect them to be. However, in some cases asymmetry is noticeable and can make finding the right bra and feeling comfortable in your body difficult. A breast augmentation can address this issue by using the appropriate size for each breast to make the two as symmetrical as possible.

You can learn more about how you can benefit from a breast augmentation by scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Those in the San Antonio, TX area can see Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom for their consultation and breast augmentation concerns.

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Deciding to have a breast augmentation is an important and often life-changing decision. Once you have decided you want a breast augmentation to improve the size, shape, or symmetry of your breasts, you and your plastic surgeon will discuss what type of implant will be best for you. Doing your research ahead of time can help you feel more comfortable with your decision and prepare you with questions to ask your doctor. The two main types of implants that you will encounter are saline and silicone.

Saline Implant

Saline implants are made from a silicone shell filled with sterile saltwater. If you are 18 or older, this implant is an option for you! One major benefit of choosing a saline implant is that the saline solution is completely safe for the body to absorb. If the shell were to leak or rupture, the implant would deflate and the saline would be naturally absorbed by the body. With saline, the implant can continue to be filled after placement, meaning incisions don’t need to be as large. Some women might not like this type of implant because it is slightly firmer than silicone, and can show more rippling, which might be visible through thin skin.

Silicone Implant

Silicone implants have similar shells as saline implants but are filled with silicone gel. You must be 22 or older to be approved for this type of implant. Many women like this implant because it feels more like natural breast tissue. One major consideration when thinking about this implant is what would happen if this implant were to leak or rupture. In most modern silicone gel implants, the gel is cross-linked, which prevents the gel from leaking out, even if the shell is ruptured. Extensive studies have shown silicone gel implants to be safe for breast augmentation. Unlike saline implants, silicone implants often keep their shape during a leak, making a rupture difficult to detect. Your incision for a silicone implant may be slightly longer because it is pre-filled.

Now that you have some background on your two main implant options, you can weigh the pros and cons and decide which implant is best for your body type, goals, and desired results. This will all be discussed during your consultation with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom to help ensure that you make the right decision.

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