Having a lower body lift after losing weight can be life-altering for many individuals who are struggling with a large amount of excess skin. The procedure can completely transform your body, but to maintain those results, exercise will likely need to play an important role in your life after surgery. Let’s take a look at how exercise can help you keep up on your results after a lower body lift as well as a few tips to help you bring exercise into your everyday routine.

What is a Lower Body Lift?

A lower body lift, also called a belt lipectomy, can combine a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and buttock lift to get rid of additional skin and tissue from these areas, while also toning and tightening the remaining tissue. The results are dramatic, but it doesn’t mean it’s permanent if you don’t practice a healthy lifestyle. Regularly eating a healthy diet and participating in some form of exercise can help you maintain your results.

Benefits of Regular Exercise in Maintaining Lower Body Lift Results

Some of the benefits you can look forward to when you include exercise in your routine after a lower body lift include the following:

Improve Muscle Tone

While you may see some muscle tone after surgery, adding exercise to your normal routine will increase it even more. It will also improve upon the amazing results you’re already seeing. Regular physical activity, especially strength training, can lead to a leaner, more contoured shape, and improve your overall strength.

Preventing Weight Gain

To ensure you can maintain your results and prevent weight gain, exercise is crucial. Choose something you enjoy or try something new. It reduces the chances that you’ll get bored and not want to work out.

Increase Blood Flow and Enhanced Healing

Exercise can also improve blood circulation, ensuring you have proper blood flow, which is essential in the healing process after surgery. But don’t start exercising too soon after your surgery. Dr. Brostrom and Dr. Homas will let you know when you’re okay to return to light exercises and when you can move up to more strenuous activities.

Tips to Including Exercise into Your Lifestyle

Sometimes, it’s easier said than done to figure out how to add exercise to your daily routine. Let’s look at a few tips for making it easier to include exercise in your life.

  1. Start Slow: Take it slow and listen to your body. Don’t overdo it! Start with easy exercises that you feel more comfortable with and try to do them at least a few times a week. Even walking can be beneficial to maintaining your results and staying healthy. The more you exercise, the more you can gradually build to higher-intensity exercises and routines.
  2. Talk to Your Surgeon: Before starting a new exercise regime, it’s always important to talk to your surgeon to ensure it’s not going to negatively affect your results or that it’s too high-intensity for where you are in your recovery process.
  3. Mix it Up: Change your workout routine to avoid monotony. Doing the same routine every time can get boring very quickly. Try for a mix of strength training, cardio, and flexibility training to ensure you stay interested and are working all your muscle groups.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. It will stop you from becoming dehydrated and replace the fluids you lose when you sweat. Drinking cool water can also prevent you from overheating.

Schedule A Consultation

Exercise is necessary for anyone who has a lower body lift. Not only does it keep you in good health, but it can also help you maintain your results, prevent weight gain, and improve your muscle tone and strength. If you just lost a lot of weight, exercise was likely a part of your regimen. Continue that routine after your lower body lift and you’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve. To start your journey to an even better you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Homas or Dr. Brostrom at New Image Plastic Surgery today. Call our San Antonio, TX office at (210) 988-9819 or fill out our online contact form.

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Lower body lift surgery is a transformative procedure to help individuals achieve a more sculpted and toned physique. However, to ensure the best possible outcome and promote optimal healing, preparing your body in the weeks leading up to the surgery is essential.

This preparation involves making specific diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes that can contribute to a successful surgical experience. When implemented in consultation with your surgeon, these adjustments can help you achieve the best results and improve your overall well-being.

Follow a Balanced Diet

Focus on consuming lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. These foods provide essential nutrients that promote healing and strengthen your immune system. Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods, sugary snacks, and foods high in saturated fats as they can hinder recovery.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure to drink enough water each day. Try to aim for at least eight glasses. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol intake as they can lead to dehydration.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity before surgery can help improve your overall fitness level and enhance your recovery. Focus on exercises that strengthen your core. Additionally, incorporate cardiovascular activities like walking, swimming, or cycling.

Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker, quitting smoking before your body lift surgery can be incredibly beneficial. Smoking can significantly slow the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Significant weight changes can affect the outcome of your body lift procedure. If necessary, work with a competent dietitian to develop a personalized weight management plan.

Manage Medications and Supplements

Discuss all medications and supplements you currently take with your surgeon. Some medicines and supplements can interfere with the surgical process, interact with anesthesia, or negatively affect the healing and recovery process.

Arrange for Support

Lower body lift surgery is a major procedure; hence why it requires a significant recovery period. Make arrangements for assistance with household chores, transportation, and personal care during your recovery. A support system will help ease the stress and allow you to focus on healing.

Schedule A Consultation

Interested in learning more about lower body lift surgery? Dr. Homas and Dr. Brostrom at New Image Plastic Surgery can address your concerns and answer any questions you may have. They will also walk you through the procedure to ensure you know what to expect every step of the way.

To schedule a consultation, call our San Antonio, TX office at (210) 988-9819 or use our online contact form.

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